We are GLAD to inform all of you, that our Website is AGAIN active, after going through unexpected 'Shut Down' -- The Lord is GOOD, and He helped us in time!
We are called to live, teach and preach the truth, which is challenging in our world which is, mostly, ruled by those who live for themselves and their interests but hate the truth!
Through lectures, Seminars and else, we let the Spirit guide us to help others understand WHICH Standards should be followed to live the truth and please God, our Creator.
It is NOT an easy task, when the majority are going the wrong direction and you are ridiculed, mocked and even persecuted!
Still we continue, because we believe everyone deserves to know the truth, and ONLY the truth will set people free "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" John 8:32
Currently we are preparing for a Gathering in Central Europe, in which we want to discuss, with other believers, the last Four Years, in which we had the
so-called COVID-19, Lockdown, triumph of the lies, then the conflict in Europe
(Russia-Ukraine) and finally the conflict in the Middle East (Israel-Hamas).
Our Call for Gathering meant to bring believers together, despite some differences, in order to share, pray and proclaim liberty.
We will have different speakers; their names, time and location will be pronounced through a Flyer sent per E-mail (As we said, for security reasons).
Be prepared, contact us AND send us a suggestion or Feedback IF you have any or prompted by the Holy Spirit.
We are always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.