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24/7 Prayer Request-- JHPH
(Jesus Highland Prayer House)

Prayer is one of most important weapons we have, dear believers in Christ Jesus, as you know, thus the commandment of the Lord Jesus Christ to us is to PRAY!

We and our 24/7 Prayer Team -- Jesus Highland Prayer House (JHPH)-- are praying nonstop for all those who ask us to pray for them but also interceding for those who do not believe.

Putting your prayer request here gives us joy if you ask us to, and we believe that all those of the Body of Christ will keep you in their daily prayers too. This interesting point we would like to add: THE POWER OF PRAYER can change you and we believe that God gives only three answers to prayer: 

1. 'Yes! '

2. 'Not yet'

3. 'I have something better in mind'

God still sits on the throne, and the devil is a liar. 

You might be going through a tough time right now but God is getting ready to bless you in a way that you cannot imagine. Keep on praying in Jesus holy name! 


Special Report

In Remembrance of September, 11

There was a confusion, chaos, crying and dispair; yes, there was an act of terror, that

caused a dent in history and in change of how we percieve things around us.

Do we still remember? Do we understand? Did we get the REAL perpetrators behind what happen on that Tuesday?

On September 11, 2001, terrorists claimed the lives of nearly 3,000 people and injured more than 6,000 others in the most devastating attack on American soil in their nation's history. There were four coordinated Islamist terrorist suicide attacks carried out by al-Qaeda against the United States in 2001. On that morning, 19 terrorists hijacked four commercial airliners scheduled to travel from the East Coast to California.

The moment shocked the Americans and the nation. Two planes, hijacked by Islamic jihadists vowing death to all Americans, plowed into both towers at the World Trade Center in New York. Another plane was flown into the Pentagon in Washington, DC. A fourth plane, presumably headed for the White House or the U.S. Capitol, was heroically diverted by passengers and ended up crashing in an empty field in Pennsylvania. After reports of the first plane hitting the North Tower, millions watched the second plane hit the South Tower on live television.

It was a terrifying, startling, and humbling event for the United States. The 9/11 attacks were the deadliest on American soil since the shock attack at Pearl Harbor 60 years before, and the sense of outrage was reminiscent of that moment. The attacks in New York occurred in the country’s busiest city on a busy workday. And the staggered nature of the attacks meant that news footage captured almost everything as it happened, ensuring that millions of Americans saw the events precisely as they unfolded.

We symepthize with the families of those who lost their lives, were ijuried or hurt by any means

and ask the Spirit of Truth, the Comforter, to touch and comfort them.

We, from ICOM, KNOW the Evil Spirit behind those attacks, understand HOW people controlled 

by that spirit would react, and teach the TRUTH about it; watchout the enemy is ready and united.

In remembering, we want to call you, everyone of you to return to the TRUTH, to the ONLY One,

true and Living God and enjoy a Great Salvation "Repent, and be baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit"

Acts 2:38



Special Prayer Requests

(Requests in Black, were fulfilled; request with orange are not)

A. We have Special Prayer Request for Leddy N. thus we ask you to join our prayer; we've appointed a definite time to unite and pray for her: Daily, at 6 am Iraq/ Middle Eastern Time ( 5 am ECT in Europe; 12 Midnight ET or 11 CT). 


B. Join our Special Prayer for ICOM Director General, and the coming Gathering in Central Europe, Outreaches in Europe and a Trip to Joran.


C. We also have another Special Prayer Request for Missy, Mena Hill H. and Mariam,

our Secretary in Ainkawa, Erbil, Iraq.

D. We ask all of you to join our Special Prayer for the victims of ISIS since the fall of Mousel in their hands on June, 10th 2014. Please remember all those families who've lost loved ones and property.

E. We ask you for an urgent prayer for Salma, the sister of the Director General, who is currently in the hospital with multiple issues, including heart's problem (She had a by-pass operation last year) and diabetic. Unite with us and claim complete healing and restoration.

F. Please pray for our Service in Kirkuk this week, as well as our service in Vienna, Austria and Nitra, Slovakia during the weekend. Claim protection, guidance of the Lord and great harvest in Jesus holy name. Amen.


G. Please pray for Monica, who has been going through difficult times of seperation from family and friends to be 'treated'. There is a spiritual attack, but God is with her; claim complete liberation from stress, depression and else. Remember to pray for her family; they need her, as she does need them. We unite and agree that the precious blood of Jesus will wash her, cleanse her and keep her protected and the enemy has NO portion in Jesus name. Amen.


H. On Wednesday July, 3rd at 12:46 pm -- Iraq time -- Salma, the eldest sister of our Director General passed away; please pray for the family, ask the Holy Spirit to comfort them and fill their hearts with peace. May our gracious God grant her Eternal Peace. Amen.

I. On Thursday July, 19th the nephew of our Director General died; we ask you to pray for his family, ask the Lord for comfort and provision and a humbling touch> We are saddened to hear such news coming shortly after the sister, Salma, passed away and now this. 


J. We ask you to pray for our Teams in Iraq, especially when the Director General is joining them on Monday, September, 2nd -- yes, he and his family returned from the United States and the Lord did amazing things during the trip. Please cover them with the precious blood of the Lamb, claim protection and rebuke any demonic interference during the coming days. We encourage you to keep them COVERED with prayers, especially at such a time, when the Middle East is in turmoil!! 

K. After a great moving of the Holy Spirit, while serving the Lord in the United States, the Lord burdened us to

pray for our dear sister-in-Christ Denise R. -- PRAY with power, with conviction and with authority. Remember her

in your daily prayer and claim COMFORT; the Holy Spirit is here to give her comfort and strength and TRUST in 

the Living Christ. We pray that she is an Overcomer; overcoming Self, and trusting in the Lord, Who heals;

believing His promises, and remembering 'The One in me is stronger than the one in the world' and

going back to the Word, which testifies of His ability, not only to heal, but to make everything NEW!

Unite as families, gathering believers and Church for her, for immediate healing touch, for the relief of pain and for a MIRACLE; we intercede and CLAIM a miracle for Denise in order to see Jesus glorified in her life.

CONTINUE praying, remembering ALL her other needs, physicall, for her soul and spirit. May WE, as believers in the Savior AGREE that His Will, which is ALWAYS GOOD, will be done and that we will rejoice with her.

"Silver and Gold have I none, but, such as I have, give I thee 'In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise

up and walk' Acts 3:6


Pray with us

1. Gracious God, YOU declared yourself that you are gracious (“And the LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth…” Exodus 34:6) and we want to praise you, praise your holy name and thank you, because you saved us through grace. Eternal Father, help us to understand the depth of your grace, the Eternal Purpose behind it AND to appreciate every moment of our life; YES, we want to be gracious to others, as you are to us. Enable us, Lord, to reach out to others and tell them about your grace and how that the Door is STILL open, if they repent, accept Jesus as their Saviour and depart from their evil, old ways.
Give wisdom from above, Saviour, with every step we take, with every word we speak and with every move we make; we ask in faith, O, you All-Wise God, in Jesus name. Amen.

2. There is a burden from the Holy Spirit on our hearts to PRAY for the persecuted Church, not only home, in Iraq but worldwide; globally, of course, it is much, much worse. If you don’t know, we confirm to you that our Christian brothers and sisters are under heavy attack, every single day, all over the world in China, Iran, India, Africa, etc.We read in the Book of Hebrews “Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body” Hebrews 13:3.
Join our prayer and claim protection; ask the Lord to make them invisible to the enemy, to put a high hedge of protection around them IF it is His will. Pray that the Lord would encourage His People during such terrible times, reminding them that HE too was persecuted; was He not the One Who told us that “And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved” Matthew 10:22
We know, Lord, that the Word of God says: “Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience” James 1:3—help us to get patience, to endure for your sake, because we love you and to stand strong in our faith. Help us, Lord Jesus, to be your good witnesses in a sinful and dying world. Amen.

3. We have seen in practical way, while standing in Asheville, and telling the truth, also about abortion, the power of darkness works in unity and coordination; surely now is the time to wipe the sleep from your eyes Christian dreamer: “Wherefore He saith ‘Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light” Ephesians 5:14
NO, they are not stronger, but we need to resist the devil and he will flee; do you not hear the alarm to GO to the world a to SHINE?!
Thus, we pray in Jesus holy name and rebuke every evil spirit and command it to go to where it belong; we call LIGHT upon Asheville and every place we step on, claiming it for His Kingdom. We ask you, Almighty God, to touch all those people we prayed for, starting with those who mocked us – mocked YOU, O, Lord! — and pierce their hearts with the TRUTH of the Cross. We claim FIRE upon Asheville and all those places we went to, Jesus; touch, cleanse and establish YOUR Presence, because the price was paid for every soul. Amen.

4. While serving you in the United States, Lord, you taught us many lessons; the sleeping farmer cannot plough, the sleeping sailor cannot direct his ship, and the sleeping tradesman cannot attend to his shop. Thus we claim a Sound of the Trumpet to wake up your slumbering servants; how many there are who rise up early to toil for themselves and do nothing for the glory of God or the good of men? TOUCH, Lord Jesus, OPEN the eyes, and shake all those who forgot their First Love; touch them with FIRE, open their eyes, and let them SEE those lost souls around them. Help them, by a touch of your Holy Spirit, and bring them to life; may they remember the price you paid for our salvation, show their love towards you, and GO to the world. In Jesus name we pray and claim amazing harvest, before your Second Coming. Amen.

5. We thank you Lord for the NEW doors you opened for us to serve you in the United States, especially for that Revival; yes, Lord, Your Presence was felt by everyone, you were with us, confirming the word we spoke, but also you spoke to us. We thank you, Lord, for such Visitation, for Your Holy Spirit and for the Fiery Touch that you granted to MANY of your people. 
May we humbly ask in your holy name that you continue confirming Your Presence during the Revival, by bringing MORE people to the Local Church, who could confirm WHAT you did during that period of time. May you also strengthen those believers, beginning by the Pastor, through continuous signs and miracles, new people added to the Church and changing the attitude of believers. We have faith that you brought us together with all those believers and people we encounter for a purpose and for a reason known only to you; we just want to THANK you, bless your name and claim your continuous Presence with us, as written. Help and strength us in our faith; in Jesus holy name. Amen.

6. We encourage you, dear believers, to join our prayer for our Mission House in Iraq, for our Teams and for our Ministry; it is urgent and needed in a time of wars and romours of wars; in a time of strife and pain; in a time where many are plotting to ‘kill and destroy’. 
We ask you, Lord, to keep us going with you, guided by your Holy Spirit and used for your glory; help us NOT to hesitate, when telling the truth. Provide for us, for our needs, Lord, and don’t let us ever be in need to mortal man; touch and prompt your people to support our Ministry and what we are doing. Release the funds you prepared for us in Iraq, Lord, NOW, from the sale of the old Mission House and compensations. Help us to fulfil our Calling, by helping widows and orphans, sick Christians in need and of course spreading the Good News under your protection; in Jesus name. Amen.

7. We prayed, Lord, and our hearts were touched; many are looking at the WRONG side, away from you and I am concerned that many are STRANGERS to God, not knowing who they are in Christ!
The Spirit keeps repeating to me to say “IF you were a believer in Jesus Christ, your very heart would be set on God and His purpose for your life and the life to come AND FOR THE LOST!”. 
It is becoming like a spiritual sickness that brings eternal condemnation, when people want to ADD to your perfect work; who am to add to what Jesus accomplished in Calvary?
We just pray, Lord Jesus, asking you to HELP everyone struggling with any kind of ‘entanglement’ whether lust, laziness, hatred toward others, witchcraft or slumber.
MANY need to be reminded that Jesus said ‘IT IS FINISHED’ and they too should say the same and trust Jesus. We pray that no religious rituals would take your people away from you and that they should keep in mind that they were made righteous through your sacrifices. We pray for all those, with whom we served, to be set free …completely…from anything which is not yours; we claim protection for them, the daily infilling of the Holy Spirit and complete surrender to Christ. Hear, O, you Living God, and answer the cry of our hearts; in Jesus holy name. Amen

8. Our final prayer to you, Heavenly Father, is coming out of our hearts; join us O, lover of Christ, and cry to Him, that MANY be reconciled to God, through our words and the preaching of the Gospel, or through our love towards the lost. The Bible tells us: “Now then we are Ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray/ implore you in Christ's stead/ behalf, be ye reconciled to God” 2 Corinthians 5:20 – YES, we are His Ambassadors and we need to bring the Message of Reconciliation to the LOST!
Unite with us and our 24/7 Prayer Team JHPH (Jesus Highland Prayer House) and PRAY; pray that FIRST His People would reconcile themselves to one another, then look up in unity and claim complete reconciliation. Pray that believer should NOT hesitate to claim the reconciliation; which was done because of Jesus death on the cross. Claim it for yourself IN FAITH and thank Jesus for bringing you back home. Pray that all those from your household/families would be reconciled to God; ask the Lord to use YOU, or any other means, to achieve that. We pray for the lost and claim their souls for Christ, in Jesus holy name. Amen.



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