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Donations and Support

Our Ministry is directly active at many hot-spots, like in Iraq, helping persecuted Christians. The need was immense after the so called Islamic State (ISIS) attacked Iraq and conquered over 40% of Iraq's territory.

In the name of Allah they killed, crucified and beheaded Christians and others and stole and then destroyed their property. Churches, Schools and homes were destroyed but our Lord Jesus Christ helped us to liberate the land.

Now is the time of New Beginning and Christians should live in peace and dignity again.

We believe that the Lord is faithful and His Word will be fulfilled“...the worker is worthy his wages...” concerning our needs. Most of all, you are giving to JESUS “...Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto Me” Matt 25:40b.

Become a Financial Partner

Do you feel that God has blessed you to be able to give above and beyond your tithe? If so, would you please consider becoming a financial partner of our Ministry?

If you do and want to become a Financial Partner, please use one of our available accounts numbers appropriate for you, remembering what the Bible teaches us: “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.”  2 Cor 9:7


This ministry is made possible through the generous support of our partners and friends, but most of all through our Savior Jesus Christ.

Thank you for your interest in partnering with us in our Ministry (ICOM), in our service with Christian refugees in Iraq, and in the world by spreading the Gospel of Peace.

Your gifts help support our Ministry just like donations in the offering plate. 

We are working on a new way to receive donations through PayPal...!

Could you consider supporting our Children Christmas Celebration and donate?

We apreciate your support in time. 

Or make your check payable to:

Selman Hassan-I

PO Box 202

Culpeper, VA 22701

(PLEASE notice the change: Because of NEW bank regulations write ONLY Selman Hassan-I and NOT Selman Hassan-ICOM --thank you)

If the Holy Spirit put it in your heart to have your donation used for a definite purpose , please inform us. We will inform you about how and where your money was used, sending photos, videos and if possible a confirmation through 'On-Field' visiting believers.

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